Bring protection home today

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
When it comes to finances, it’s safe to say that a lot of us have no idea what we’re doing. Between taxes, rising rent and mortgage prices, and of course the ever-present cost-of-living crisis, it can be overwhelming just trying to keep everything straight – but can you imagine how much more overwhelming it would be if you fell sick or if you had an accident and had to take time off work? If you’re self-employed or a contract worker and proving your income is difficult at the best of times, we’ve got a product for you where you don’t have to validate your income.
That’s what income protection policies are designed for – specifically to grant some peace of mind to mortgage owners and the 56% of private renters in the UK who have no form of financial protection in place for the worst-case scenario. The income protection sector has spent recent years focussing largely on protecting people with mortgages, but with the rising age of first-time buyers and prolonged rental periods among everyday Brits, it’s time that someone took the initiative to protect the homes of the estimated 15.8 million people renting across the UK. Home, after all, is where the heart is – not where the ownership lies.
If you do have a mortgage, though, you don’t have to worry! While income protection does make a point of protecting renters, you can take out a policy even if you’re lucky enough to own your own house, because times are tough and homeowners need someone in their corner, too. Royal London recently found that only 2 in 10 homeowners have an income protection policy in place, despite the fact that everyone gets sick and takes time off work at one point or another, which is why getting the right financial protection in place is more important than ever.
If you were signed off work due to an accident or sickness, you could get your rent or mortgage covered up to £2,000; the highest cover on the market right now. That’s £2,000 a month that you don’t have to worry about coming up with when you’re at your lowest, so you can focus on what matters most, whether that’s getting back to the office after a period of sickness or finding your footing after an injury.
Of course, we understand how busy you probably are just trying to keep up with day-to-day life, but we are here to ensure that the application process is as quick, easy, and fuss-free as possible. With no medical questions, no health screenings, and no proof of income required, you could protect your finances in less time than it takes for the kettle to boil.
So pop on that kettle, get comfortable, and relax knowing your home is protected.